Sunday 30 November 2014

Things I've learnt from movies: 1 (fast5)


Earlier in Brazil, two European countries, Spain and Portugal, tried to get possession of the biggest south american nation. then something happened because of which the former one got failed miserably and the latter one succeeded in doing so. but what exactly led them to the two extreme results, is explained below:
before Portuguese people came to the south american soil, Spaniards came first into the picture. they directly tried to get control over Brazilians. and the way they chose to do this, eventually led them to the devastating end. they got involved in street fighting with the local people. now Brazil, country having such a large population, had nothing to lose at that time. so the local people instead of forfeiting (what Spaniards expected them to do so), became aggressive and eventually beaten them to death. that is how era of Spain in Brazil came to an end.
After the disastrous attempt of Spain, Portuguese landed to get better of Brazilians. they opted an altogether different approach. they started exporting essential goods, which were not available there in Brazil. Gradually Portugal became the only source for Brazil to get much needed goods. Portuguese manipulated this thing very well. now, Brazilians had no choice but to serve them. that's how Portugal succeeded entering in Brazil without indulging into any war.
And that's the only reason why today, in most of the parts of Brazil, language of the local people is Portuguese, and not Spanish.