Wednesday 31 December 2014

Fiscal lessons: 1 (portfolio diversification)

It has been seen in most of the countries that ‘stock’ investment outperforms all the other investment options. Then why do people invest elsewhere? The answer is ‘risk’. Stocks’ price changes every now and then. They have daily ups and downs.

Markowitz has given the idea regarding what is the best investment? What one ought to do as a portfolio manager? Given that one is inclined with numbers and can find out average returns, variances, co variances etc. let’s say there is only two investment options available. 1. Stocks (high returns, much riskier) 2. Government bonds (fixed returns, much safer).

Now if I have 100$ which I invest in stocks (e.g. 20% return with 40% standard deviation) if I borrow another 100$ (a debt, 5% interest rate) to invest in the stocks, what would be the expected return then? Ans. 35%. (Because on my investment of 200$, I would get 40$ but I have to pay 5$ interest to my lender). Another way is, I go to the broker and say I want to sell stocks, I don’t own any. Broker offers me 200 shares. If I sell them, that 200$ will be received by broker. And he will pay me 5% interest on that. So now I wouldn't be getting 40$. I will be receiving 10$(5% on 200 shares) plus 5$(interest on my capital, 100$) total -25$ (15$-40$). These were the two extreme cases. Similarly, in this way I can have multiple alternatives of investments. I can get any return I want with the help of leverage. Then what is the optimal portfolio?

The crux of the Markowitz’s theory was, there is no best investment. There’s only a trade off between risk and return. All we need to do is thinking of the best trade off. Higher the risk is, higher the return would be. And vice versa.

Image courtsey:
*[standard deviation represents risk factor]

As an investor we have multiple options. If we choose to be a 100% stock investor, we would be having greater risk involved. Similarly, if we put our 100% money in bonds then it would be less riskier. This graph shows us that why we should not be a 100% bond investor. As we can see that at 10% SD level, we would get 9% return. But if we invest 50-50% in each of the investment options, we would get 11% interest at the same SD level. So one should never be a 100% bond investor.
This was a revolutionary idea. as before 1952,  nobody thought like what Markowitz did.
[Mr. Harry Markowitz is a Nobel Prize winner for his contribution in economics]

Basic terminologies:
  1. Leverage: investing with borrowed money as a way to amplify potential gains.
  2. Stocks: the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity).
  3. Portfolio: A group of investments.

Sunday 7 December 2014

2 institutions: GLS IBA & BKSBM

Born at ahmedabad, Grew up in 2 states [Gujarat & Rajasthan], Done schooling from KNS, Modasa- a district of north Gujarat. Now was again heading to my aboriginal city, Ahmedabad, carrying Lots of dreams, aspirations & to-do-something-big-attitude.
2 institutions. That comprehensively changed my attitude towards life. 1. GLS IBA 2. BKSBM

I was standing in front of the gate of my college. immense crowd together. My mind got overwhelmed by overflowing thoughts. Not at all knowing what was gonna happen there in the span of 3 forthcoming years.
At GLS IBA, I began my graduation, made handful of very good friends. it was the place from where I got my first job (ICICI). & hostel. Ah! I'm still missing that hostel life. (tremendous fun, screwed-up-moments, room-fights & what not) after collecting my grad-certificate along with the way more vital memories, I Got back to my town & started my professional career.

I had just accomplished 3 months of my job & the call letter of BKSBM (one of the top B-Schools across the State) was in my hand. I couldn't defy that offer & got into BKSBM. BKSBM is the college that gives you a real life experience from day zero. Here everything's superintend by students right from orchestrating schedules to placements!
I'm still in the first semester & looking forward to fly high to hit there. (yes. That something-big)