Saturday 1 August 2015

a friend and a lesson

It was a rainy Thursday morning. The atmosphere was pleasingly fainéant and a gentle mizzle continued to play with the chilly wind. As usual, I was sitting on the couch having a Nescafe cup and The Economic Times in front of me whenas my cell phone rang. The 4'' screen showed unknown. Amidst my amazement, I received the call. It was an unfamiliar male voice on the other end. Surprisingly, he was one of my high school friends. Within the fraction of a second, old memories ran through my nous. Our bunks, tons of masti we had, number of pranks we played, shared laughter, intense fights and a lot more. School life ended and I moved to another city hence we hadn't been in touch for years.

A loud "Hey, are you there?" From him startled my cerebration right away. When that call ended, the call duration displayed was 01:02:47.

As many of us could've, he didn't wait for Sunday, the friendship day. Then why do we wait for that day to remember our friends, who are an inherent part of our lives perhaps. Why do we wait for one particular moment to arrive? Why don't we just seize it straight away and make it perfect just like he did!

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