Saturday 31 March 2018

Reservation & robots

“I want my country to be first class in everything.
The moment we encourage the second rate, we’re lost”
– Mr. J.M. Nehru

Dated Déjà vu

When Dr. Ambedkar came up with the caste based reservation, the era was different. SC/ST people were not even considered as humans let alone be equal. I believe thus, it was an astounding move to bring back such community to life, giving them their identity. Nevertheless, the only aim of this campaign was fulfilled aeons ago. Now people are no longer treating them as they were before. Mutual respect prevails between all the communities at most of the places, if not everywhere. Thus I reckon, the only classification, if at all, must take place then it ought to be income basis & need to be scrapped once the very purpose is served which is equality. Bridging the gap between poor & rich is a need of an hour as richest 1% holds a staggering 73% of the total wealth in India. This calls for some serious efforts in this direction.

Be it a 35 percentile student getting into IIMA or 1000+ ranked (UPSC) person is posted in IRS. Who do you think suffer here? Our dear nation. Then we all whine, why our intellectuals are leaving India. What will they do here? Wait for their another chance just to get ruined by (some) reserved category student?

On one hand we’re very keen to progress in the tech world & on the other hand it’s very convenient for us to stay as regressive. This impact is much profound than it seems. (Some) People living in such society tend to misuse the extra they get. It’s not just about caste based reservation, such issues aggregately point at one thing. I.e. our frame of mind. It’s pretty much the same as many traditions, that we blindly tag along just because they have been there for generations & are accepted by all.

The Impending Rant

It’s not an appealing picture when you imagine technologies such as AI, Optogentics, and Autonomous vehicles coexist with a society that we are living in right now. I came across this very considerately imagined chart showing what we’re heading next to,


This is a simple yet powerful chart delineating what we’re dealing next! Unprecedented steep growth is what we are looking at. Apparently, we can’t afford to be as inattentive as we are right now.

The pace at which we’re advancing in the tech world is quite scary. What our previous generation were imagining, is very much normal nowadays. The only place where they saw a robot was in movies. Now Alibaba’s warehouse, in its entirety, is operated by robots. As if that wasn’t enough, Scientists are working on edifying ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) wherein Robots will have the ability to develop their mind on their own. Needless to say, they’ll be smarter than us. But would they be as good to us? Would they give us, humans, a benefit of reservation? 😈

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